Apply for WASB!
Where can I find the application?
We post our new member application at the end of every semester. ***FALL 2025 APPLICATION COMING SOON***
You can find the link to apply below or on
When should I submit my application?
As soon as possible! Be sure to submit by the deadline of Saturday, April 20th at 11:59 pm (2024). We have a very quick decision turnaround and will only accommodate late applications in extenuating circumstances.
I have applied to WASB in the past and didn’t get selected - can I apply again?
Absolutely! We understand that our application process is competitive, and we highly encourage applicants to try again if they aren’t brought on in a particular semester.
How competitive is the application process?
Each semester we receive between 60 and 120 applications. The number of new members accepted each semester varies based on the number of active WASBs, but tends to be between 10-17.
My friend is on WASB - can they use their influence to help me get on the org?
While networking is super neat, this is not the place for it. Our application process involves blind application reading, random assignment, and a scoring system that leaves little room for members to unfairly push a friend’s application higher on our list. We stand for integrity in our organization and we extend that standard to our applicants as well.
I have a specific question because I am a unique human with a special circumstance and I couldn’t possibly get all the information I need from this FAQ. Who can I talk to with my additional questions?
Lucky for you, there are 65 WASB members who are eager to get to know the unique you! Follow us on social media to learn more, feel free to introduce yourself at any of our events. Lastly, you can send an email to Kellie Hasbrook (President of WASB) with any questions/comments/concerns:
How can I make my application stand out?
When grading applications, we look for a few key components: personality, creativity, and quality. Personality - we want to know who YOU are. Review each question and ensure that your response to every one of them tells us something about who the real you is. Creativity - we are looking for individuals who think without constraints. We read hundreds of applications but we remember the ones that approach responses differently. Quality - proofread and put in clear effort to craft a thorough and unique response, but but we won’t fault you if you have a few spelling/grammar mistakes (after all, we’re all human!) Additionally, do your research. This could include coming to our events throughout the semester, checking our social media pages, or reading through our website and FAQ’s (you’re doing great so far!).
Should I come to WASB events?
Uh-huh, honey. But seriously, you should come, and we’re not just saying that for our benefit. It is beneficial for potential applicants to come to our events throughout the year to get a better sense of what WASB does, and to see how you might imagine yourself contributing to our organization. Having this insight about our org can make your application shine (read: “How can I make my application stand out?”).
What happens at the WASB information sessions? Do I have to attend in order to be considered for membership?
Attendance at our info sessions is in no way a requirement. Our information sessions serve for one purpose: to offer information. That means our facilitators are not going to judge you or tell everyone on WASB about the dumb question you asked.
What is involved in the application process?
Step one: Write answers to our application questions. Step two: Get creative and provide us with a multi media piece that we’ll remember. Step Three: Wait to be invited for an interview. Step Four: Interview with our Executive team and knock our socks off.
What is the time commitment like if I am invited to join?
WASB requires a relatively high level of commitment. All members are required to attend weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 7:30pm, and everyone is responsible for planning an event each semester (don’t let this part scare you away - we’ll give you the tools you need to flourish). Additionally, members must attend WASB events throughout the semester, as well as social justice workshops and all-WASB retreats. The time commitment is demanding, but the experience is rewarding.
Is WASB on social media?
Omg yes we are, and following our online profiles will give you a glimpse into the lifestyle of WASB.
Instagram: @gowasb