Wednesday, April 23rd

Chalk the BlocK | State St. Mall

Drawing Competition: 10-12:30 pm
Voting & Activities: 12-3 pm

Registration is currently open for teams or individuals hoping to compete! Use the link below to register yourself or your team.

You can sign up as an individual or a team of up to four artists.

  • This year, the theme of the event is TBD - we are hoping to showcase nature and how Badgers interact on all levels, whether it's on campus or part of a UW-related outing/experience in the natural world!

  • There are prizes for first and second place, and all participants will receive free Ian's pizza vouchers!

  • From 12-3 pm, everyone passing by on campus will be invited to vote on their favorite artwork, as well as participate in the music, crafts, food, and more that the event will have. 

Swing by Library Mall to look at original chalk drawings by Badger artists. Make sure to vote for your favorite creation as you pass through! There will also be other arts, crafts, and activities for students to participate in. There will be prizes awarded to the top three winning artworks. We look forward to seeing you there!